Press Releases

California Leads Nation in War on Terror Becomes First State in Nation to Ban 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifles

Law Comes Less Than Three Years After Violence Policy Center First Identified Threat Posed by These Readily Available Tools of Terror Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Bill That Bans Rifles That Can Destroy Aircraft, Down Helicopters, and Penetrate Armor Plating Washington, DC – California yesterday became the first state in the nation to ban 50 caliber sniper […]

New Study Reveals More Than 40 Gunmakers Currently Marketing Assault Weapons: Including UZIs, AK-47s, AR-15s, MAC-10s, Galils, and MP5s Despite 1994 Federal Ban

Latest Proof of Gun Industry’s Evasion of Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Scheduled to Expire on September 13, 2004 and Need for Law to be Strengthened More Than One Million Assault Weapons Marketed Since Ban’s Passage in 1994 Washington, DC – More than 40 gunmakers in 22 states are currently marketing “post-ban” assault weapons including UZIs, […]

Violence Policy Center And Greenpeace Hold Joint Briefing Detailing The Threat of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Terrorist Attacks on Chemical Targets

New VPC Report Sitting Ducks Detailing 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Terrorist Threat to Refinery and Hazardous-Chemical Facilities Released at Briefing Potential Devastating and Deadly Effects WASHINGTON – Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, federal officials have warned the chemical and refinery industry that hazardous-materials plants could be turned into weapons of mass destruction. […]