Press Releases

Violence Policy Center Statement on Bills to Ban “Bump-Fire” and Other Devices That Mimic Full-Auto Fire

In response to legislation introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Representative David Cicilline (D-RI) to ban “bump fire” and similar devices that allow semiautomatic assault weapons (like the ones found with the Las Vegas shooter) to mimic full-auto fire, Violence Policy Center (VPC) Legislative Director Kristen Rand issued the following statement: “We commend Senator […]

Gun Industry and NRA Target Young Children as Next Generation of Customers and Pro-Gun Advocates, New VPC Study Finds

“Start Them Young” documents how the firearms industry and gun lobby market guns to children Washington, DC–The firearms industry and gun lobby are targeting children as young as grade-school age for financial and political gain, a comprehensive new study from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) reveals. The 54-page report, “Start Them Young” — How the […]

ATF Proposal to Restrict Certain Types of AR-15 Ammo Direct Result of Gun Industry’s Design and Marketing of Armor-Piercing Assault Pistols, VPC Report Shows

Washington, DC — The firearms industry and gun lobby are fighting a battle of their own creation with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) according to a new report from the Violence Policy Center (VPC), AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Pistols: Rifle Power in a Handgun. As the report details, ATF recently […]

U.S. Civilian Gun Market Has Become a Militarized Bazaar, New Violence Policy Center Study Documents

Widespread Sale of Military-Style Weapons Drives Illicit Traffic to Mexico, Increases Armed Attacks on U.S. Law Enforcement Officers, and Facilitates Mass Shootings Washington, DC–As the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform focuses on alleged failures of the U.S. Justice Department’s program to stop gun trafficking to Mexico, a new study by the Violence Policy […]

National Rifle Association Receives Millions of Dollars From Gun Industry “Corporate Partners” New VPC Report Reveals

Organized Corporate Solicitation Program Disproves Longstanding NRA Claim That It’s Independent of Gun Industry Washington, DC–The National Rifle Association (NRA) receives millions of dollars directly from domestic and foreign gun manufacturers and other members of the firearms industry through an organized corporate outreach program according to a new report issued today by the Violence Policy […]

Mexican Gun Traffickers Easily Obtain Military-Style Weapons from U.S. Civilian Gun Market, New Analysis of Federal Criminal Court Records Confirms

Nearly Two-Thirds of Guns Obtained by Traffickers in Cases Studied Were Semiautomatic Assault Weapons, Armor-Piercing Handguns, or 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles Washington, D.C.–U.S. court records from southwestern states clearly show that illegal gun traffickers involved in smuggling firearms to Mexico seek semiautomatic assault weapons, armor-piercing handguns, and 50 caliber anti-armor sniper rifles from U.S. gun […]