Press Releases

Los rifles de francotirador calibre 50 estadounidenses tienen un impacto devastador en México, según revela en forma detallada un nuevo estudio

Hoy, el VPC está dando a conocer “Terror de largo alcance: cómo rifles de francotirador calibre 50 estadounidenses hacen estragos en México”. Este estudio de 31 páginas documenta la prevalencia de rifles de francotirador calibre 50 de origen estadounidense e ilegalmente traficados a México, y cómo los carteles usan estas armas para aterrorizar a civiles y atacar y debilitar a las autoridades gubernamentales.

WEE1 Tactical’s JR-15 Assault Rifle for Children Grows Up – Sort Of

Campaign Research Notes, February 4, 2025 – In January 2022, the Violence Policy Center (VPC) exposed the launch of a marketing campaign by gunmaker WEE1 Tactical for the JR-15, an AR-15 assault rifle specifically designed for children. Now, the founders of WEE1 are back with an apparently new company,  and what appears to be the same junior-sized AR-15 assault rifle, but with a new name: The GOAT-15.

Campaign Research Notes – October 18, 2024

In this industry update: the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on the Biden Administration’s ghost gun regulations while ongoing VPC research offers a snapshot from Washington, DC on the dramatic increase in police recoveries of these guns; another example of the gun industry’s militarized marketing, this time from gunmaker FN; and, back to the Supreme Court, which agrees to hear the Mexican government’s case against specific gun manufacturers.

Gun Owners of America (GOA) Hosts Inaugural “Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit”

Campaign Research Notes, September 26, 2024 – In this industry update, Gun Owners of America (GOA) hosts their inaugural Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (GOALS) which highlights the group’s “expanding partnerships within the gun industry.” Held in August in Knoxville, Tennessee, VPC staff traveled to the meeting and attended panels featuring gun industry members and GOA personnel.