VPC Backgrounder on Ruger, the Manufacturer of the Assault Rifle Used in Lewiston, Maine Mass Shooting

Media Contact: Georgia Seltzer, (202) 822-8200 x104, gseltzer@vpc.org

Washington, DC — Following the recent mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine committed with a Ruger SFAR assault rifle that left 18 victims dead and 13 wounded at two locations, the Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released a 13-page backgrounder on the assault weapon manufacturer, including details on the model of gun used in the shooting.

In addition to information on the Ruger SFAR assault rifle, the report offers details on other assault weapons (both rifles and pistols) manufactured by the company, additional mass shootings that have been committed with Ruger firearms (including foreign civilian mass shootings), firearm production data, and the company’s multi-million-dollar financial support of the National Rifle Association.

VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann states, “The Ruger SFAR is the latest example of the how the gun industry innovates for lethality. Marketing for the gun brags how Ruger has successfully created a more powerful weapon on a smaller, lighter frame. It is long past time to hold accountable manufacturers such as Ruger that manufacture assault weapons that are repeatedly and predictably used in horrific mass shootings.”


The Violence Policy Center is a national educational organization working to stop gun death and injury. Follow the VPC on X/Twitter and Facebook.